February 06, 2013

Slacking and thinking of ways to be more consistent

Ok, so last week I posted three reviews in a row and then stopped. I realized I really need to be more consistent with my blogs. So, I am trying to think of ways to do that.

I find that with such an inconsistent work schedule, it makes this very difficult to maintain a consistent blog posting schedule but it might just be me. I like to do things on my own time, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I just wanted to let my readers know that I am working on becoming more consistent. In the meantime, please bear with me.

My goal for now, is to at least post once every week here.

I have a lot of things I am working on and trying to do all at once, so this is all I can do for now. Hopefully you will see a more consistent posting schedule up soon.

For all those bloggers out there, how often do you post? Do you post consistently or just whenever you can? What helps you keep that consistency?

Lots of love and well wishes,