March 18, 2013

Updates and why I've been MIA

Well hello again internet, sorry I've been MIA. I just have a lot going on in my life, so I'm sorry but you will have to put up with a bit of a sporadic posting schedule for the next couple of months.

I have already written a short post on my main blog but in case you don't follow that one, I just wanted to let you guys know as well.

I am moving to Vancouver soon and have been busy trying to figure out school and job situations.

When I say soon, I mean like in a month and a half. So, I do have time but I am also kind of doing this cross-country move by myself and well, I just don't quite know how I'm going to do it just yet but I'll figure it out eventually.

That being said, you have now been updated on what's going on in my life. Now, I'm sure you are also wondering where the rest of my Vegas series is coming but it will come shortly. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I really want to get that out of the way before I start my next travelling/moving series. Honestly, I am procrastinating watching the videos to edit them and include them in my blog posts. There aren't many but... did I mention I drank at every meal in Vegas? (I swear I'm not an alcoholic.)

Also, since I am in the process of getting prepared for my move, I have noticed some products I have used up that I might review. So, there might be more posts coming on this blog however it might be very far and few in between and I hope you all understand.

I am planning on making a lot of changes in my life when I move because well, I can. One of the main goals will be to blog more regularly and other goals include being healthier and more organized and less of a procrastinator (I don't know if I will ever stop being a procrastinator but I can try right?)

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and be on the look out for some posts coming from me in a bit.

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