May 08, 2013

1 Week Since I came back to Vancouver

I can't believe I've already been here for a week. Time has just flown by for me, probably because I have been so busy. Actually, I probably haven't been busy but it just feels that way since I am still figuring out a lot of stuff like how to use the transit system and where things are. I have also been looking for a place to rent and will do a whole separate post about that soon.

This post is really just a recap. I originally had wanted to do a blog a day in May (BADIM) but... I missed out on Sunday, which made me soo upset. I was so mad at myself for falling asleep before I posted a post. Should have done that before anything else, which is really what I have been doing lately. I told myself to be more consistent with my posting once I get to Vancouver and so far it hasn't been hard to do since I definitely have more of a routine/schedule over here now that I have school. It's easier to keep myself on track. I don't have much to say today since I have just spent the whole day viewing places for rent besides going to school in the morning. Starbucks has definitely been our friend during our hunt for places to rent.

My Starbuck's drink of the day: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino

If you want to hear about how school's been for me, check out my other blog at:

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